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recent imports is the online version of Autospecs Limited, a well established used car exporter based in Tokyo. We have been exporting used cars for over 14 years.

We have access to 50,000 or so cars a week, many of which we put online in English for you to choose from.

You will find our service prompt and reliable, and communication easy with staff from England and New Zealand.

We are your auction representatives. You can't be on the ground to choose your car - so choose the next best thing! All cars are inspected prior to us bidding on your behalf to ensure we purchase the quality you expect.

We offer:

HIGH QUALITY automobiles to fit YOUR specifications.
LOWEST AUCTION PRICES to give YOU an edge in resale.
EASY COMMUNICATION with English speakers from the UK and NZ.
ODOMETER VERIFICATION for peace of mind as an option.

recent import cars
recent used car imports